Sym Usage
Translates models from algebraic form into one of several programming languages.
sym [options] <language> <symfile> <codefile>
-version -calc -d -dd -doc -first -last -scalars -syntax -merge_only
-debug -html -msgproc -oxgs -oxgst -oxnewton -tablo -troll
Argument language
Indicates the target output language and must be one of the alternatives listed under the Languages heading. Required unless the -merge_only option is used.
Argument symfile
Indicates the input model to be translated. Required.
Argument codefile
The name that should be used for the resulting target-language file. Some target languages will involve multiple files that will be based on this name. Required.
Option -calc
Turn on calculator mode for target languages that support it. Calculator mode is used for non-iterative calculations.
Option -d
Turn on the most commonly used debugging messages.
Option -dd
Turn on all debugging messages.
Option -doc
Print this message.
Option -first
Build a single-year model using only the first year.
Option -last
Build a single-year model using only the last year.
Option -merge_only
Combine all included modules and return the resulting file without generating any target-language code.
Option -scalars
Only applies when the -debug language target is used. Causes an additional file to be written showing element-by-element declarations and usage of parameters and variables.
Option -syntax
Print a short summary of the input syntax, including some notes about rules appling to specific target languages.
Option -version
Print detailed information about the versions of the main program and the individual language support modules.
Sym v2.9.3 build 964 (2020/07/06)